Trust Rules – Bob Lee


I had a great interview with Bob Lee who is the author of the book ‘Trust Rules‘ and also a lead consultant of ‘Great Place To Work‘ globally when he was in Turkey for a speech.

– Hi Bob. Could you tell us about your book ‘Trust Rules’, please?

– I started to write the book about the behaviors and attitudes of the managers have to make the biggest difference in the workplace relationship. It’s part of the things a people do that call, somebody, to trust them or not to trust them.

To write the book, I got access to Great Place To Work’s database of responses for a full year about 2 million employees. I originally expected that I find that the differences between male and female, between age groups or generations.

What I found was that there is no difference. That the things are cause us to trust somebody are the same in Turkey or Ireland, France or UK. The same things that we’ve been doing for thousands of years. For example, people who keep their promises are trusted, people who don’t aren’t trusted.

And the book is just a restatement of the basics. The things we all know instinctively but most often forget to do.

– What makes a person trustable?

– People are dependable. They keep their word. It’s also about integrity. Because you can be a person with no integrity but be dependable. But I’ll just make sure dependable person but no integrity.

So, I think It’s about having your soul like being a good person and then acting in a way that shows that. For example, one of the things most often causes people not to be trusted, managers who don’t keep their promises.

When I talk to managers, they say that they always keep promises. But when I talk to employees they say that they don’t. In terms of the problem is with small promises. Small things like I’ll let you know in five minutes or let me get back to you. And because we forget about those things we don’t even think of the most promises. But for the person who’s heard of that’s a promise, it is a promise. Its people who follow through on small things like that are trusted.

Trust takes a long time to build. And it takes no time to destroy.

– What is ‘Great Place To Work’?

– GPTW is an organization that was founded about 25 years ago and operates almost 60 countries around the world, and our purpose is to help companies to become more profitable, more productive, more sustainable organizations through building strong workplace relationships. Because organizations are the people, who work for them.

When you have an organization that manages to engage the people who work that organization most profitable, most productive and most sustainable fully. The engagement comes from trust. When we trust people, we give all of ourselves. We are prepared to be vulnerable ourselves in work. When we don’t trust people, we hold on what we have. We don’t share best ideas, and we don’t make that discretionary effort.

That makes a difference ruin between a good company and a great company. That’s what ‘Great Place To Work’ is.

We help organizations to become stronger and more enjoying organizations.

– According to the researches, lots of people will lose their jobs in the future. What do you suggest to them?

– First of all, it’s an interesting question. I saw many people would lose their jobs as self-drive cars become present. I suspect people will always find work to do. And I think whatever work we do whether it may be adding less value but more artistic or creative or even more basic working with the hands working with soil and so on. I think it about brings yourself all to it.

There is no question that the people who are most employable will be the ones who are employed. As an individual concerned about displaced, it is really about understanding that the world is changing fast, so we need to change with that.

If the work that we do today becomes less important, it’s about finding a new way to be relevant. I do think that we are always going to be needed and people ever need something to do.

So, I wouldn’t be too worried about the future. Work will change, but we will still work.

– Thank you very much.

– Thank you.

Sinan Oymaci
sinan (at) percept . press

If you would like to watch an interview, please click below link.

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Sinan Oymacı
Industrial Eng. MBA. He has been in executive positions and establishment of new companies for long years in the ICT sector in national and international companies. He has also been involved in non-profit organisations and worked as a columnist in various publications. He is interested in technology, science and the future as well as art and philosophy. He supports new initiatives, start-ups and acts as a Technological Life Coach. Biohacking and transhumanism subjects are his special interests. He questions the human, life and looks for a clear definition to the concept of humanism. He is after the answer of the question 'How will Human 2.0 will look like?' .